Bulk Feed FAQ
What are the ballpark costs?
- Minneapolis pick up: $.73 per lb.
- Bulk pallet delivered: $.80 - $1.15 per lb.
- 46 lb. box delivered : $1.85 per lb.
Shipping rates?
Add item(s) to cart & enter your address to view shipping rates.
We control feed costs but shipping rates swing WILDLY by location.
How to lower shipping rates
1: Buy 2+ Pallets
Buying more than one pallet at a time will lower your per pallet shipping rate. Getting a truck to your place can be expensive, but if a truck is already delivering a pallet, the cost of delivery for pallets two + can be less. Add and remove pallets to your cart to see personalized shipping rates.
2: Ship to Commercial Address
Shipping to a commercial address instead of your home will also reduce costs. Residential/commercial addresses are auto-detected in cart. Some have shipped to their office, a friends business or another local business that has a loading dock and can receive a pallet.
3: No Liftgate
The last way to reduce costs is to not require a lift gate. You will see 2 options in the cart.
4: Pick up from Minneapolis
The shipping cost is $0 if you pick up!
We've have folks drive from as far away as Oklahoma (hi Sue!) to pick up.
Pick up smaller orders in any vehicle or back a truck to our loading dock.
If you have access to trucking rates lower than us you can book your own pick up. Trucking fees are a pass-through cost for us, so if you'd like to book your own truck that's great!
Choose 'pick-up' in cart & we'll be in touch with next steps.
Delivery time?
2-14 business days from your order date.
Delivery time increases the further you are from Minnesota, as well as your distance from metro areas.
Can you tell me the exact delivery date?
The delivery company who is physically coming to drop off your feed will call you 24 hours before delivery to confirm that you will be home.
Do I have to be home for delivery?
Yes. Someone will need to be there to accept and sign.
What if I’m not home or miss the delivery?
We’ll call to confirm delivery, but if you’re not there freight delay charges apply, which can be in excess of $100 per day. Unfortunately, shipping companies cannot come back at another time unless they're paid to do so. You must be there at the set time to receive delivery.
How will freight come off the truck?
You will see two different delivery options when selecting your shipping method. If you do not have a dock that a semi can back up to make sure to choose the option 'with lift gate delivery'.

We highly recommend choosing 'with lift gate delivery' unless you have a loading dock or tractor with teeth to remove a pallet from the back of a flatbed truck. This costs more for a reason and cannot be changed after purchase. Unfortunately, the truck and driver cannot wait while the pallet is unloaded bag by bag.
Here's a video showing a lift gate delivery.
If lift gate delivery is chosen, the driver will use a pallet jack (just like video above) to remove pallet(s) and will not move your shipment further than where the truck pulls up. They will not take pallet(s) inside any facility and you are responsible for moving the pallet(s) once the driver takes it off the truck.
Will the delivery driver move pallets?
No. They can only move the pallet(s) from the truck to just off the truck. They cannot take feed off the pallet or move more than a few feet from where the truck backs up.
We recommend buying a pallet jack (or find one 2nd hand locally for about $50) to help move pallets.
Where will the truck back into?
An 18 wheeler semi is the truck you should plan on coming.
Before ordering, consider how/where the truck will come in and out, and where the driver can physically drop your pallet(s).
Drivers cannot back down winding driveways or drive onto property they cannot turn around on.
The ground the pallet(s) will be moved on is something to consider as well.
- Pavement = great
- Gravel = will not work
Feed weight?
1 ton (2,000 lbs.) is how much weight 1 pallet can hold. This comes in 23 lb. bags of feed (83 bags per pallet) or 1909 lbs. of grains with the rest being bags, pallet, etc.
How do I buy more than 10,000 lbs. (5 pallets)?
We can do this but cannot yet pull live trucking rates and take payment online. Please feel free to email us to discuss this in more detail. We can accommodate a grain truck or rail car if you have a larger/commercial operation.
Ballpark costs:
- Product cost will be about the same
Trucking rates = add 5 pallets to cart and add about 20% - this will be near the final trucking rates (21 pallets is max load)
If you are ready to buy please email milefour@milefour.com with:
- Name
- Ship to address
- Quantity and items
And we'll follow up with a quote ASAP.
Shelf life?
Our rule of thumb is one year, but keeping your feed in a cool, dark place can increase shelf life.
Will this set up change? This does not meet my needs.
Yes! Sign up for our emails and we'll keep you posted.